Ranger 3, Lunar Probes, and Aircraft Navigation and Safety

Episode 257 · January 26th, 2018 · 8 mins 10 secs
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About this Episode

Happy Friday! Thanks for listening to the show!

There's a lot of new listeners to the show and I want to say welcome! I'm happy to have you here and look forward to sharing history and interviews with you over the coming months!

Thanks to everyone that's subscribed to the podcast. If you could do me a favor and leave a review for the podcast, I'd appreciate it! If you take a screenshot of your review and send it to @johnmulnix, pretty much anywhere on the Internet, I will send you a Space Shot sticker and a thank you!

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Episode Links:

Ariane 5 lofts SES-14 and Al Yah-3 despite concerns

Ranger Program- NASA

Episode 75 Links:

Ranger Mission Links-
Ranger 7- NASA
Ranger 7 Mission Page
Surveyor 1

Empire State Building Crash-
B-25 bomber crashes into Empire State Building in 1945
On This Day in Aviation History: July 28th

NASA Aviation Safety and Technology-
NASA Office of Safety & Mission Assurance
NASA One Hundred Years of Powered Flight

Synthetic Vision Changes Pilot Views
A Clear View for Pilots

ForeFlight- Global Synthetic Vision iPad App Website