MESSENGER Enters Orbit
Episode 308 · March 18th, 2018 · 7 mins 57 secs
About this Episode
Happy Sunday! Don't forget, you can reach me through email, Send questions, ideas, or comments to this email and I will respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Thank you for making me part of your daily routine, I appreciate your time and your ears!
If you could do me a favor and leave a review for the podcast, I'd appreciate it! If you take a screenshot of your review and send it to @johnmulnix, pretty much anywhere on the Internet, I will send you a Space Shot sticker and a thank you!
You can send me questions and connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, by clicking one of the links below.
I've also got a call in number that I'm going to be testing here soon, so keep an eye out for that!
Thanks to everyone that's subscribed to the podcast. If you could do me a favor and leave a review for the podcast, I'd appreciate it! If you take a screenshot of your review and send it to @johnmulnix, pretty much anywhere on the Internet, I will send you a Space Shot sticker and a thank you!
Episode Links:
MESSENGER Spacecraft and Instruments
PDF- MESSENGER Mission Information