Vostok 1 and STS-1: First Flights

Episode 333 · April 12th, 2018 · 7 mins 27 secs
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About this Episode

Apologies for how I sound today, my allergies are epically bad today. We've got some massive space history milestones, so check out today's episode!

Let me know if you have any questions, email me at john@thespaceshot.com. Send questions, ideas, or comments and I will be sure to respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)

Thank you for making me part of your daily routine, I appreciate your time and your ears!

Do me a favor and leave a review for the podcast if you enjoy listening each day. Screenshot your review and send it to @johnmulnix or john@thespaceshot.com and I will send you a Space Shot sticker and a thank you!

You can send me questions and connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, by clicking one of the links below.




I've also got a call in number that I'm going to be testing here soon, so keep an eye out for that!

Episode Links:

[Declassified documents offer a new perspective on Yuri Gagarin’s flight

Challenge to Apollo- Asif Siddiqi (PDF)

Yuri Gagarin: First Man in Space

The Flight of Vostok 1

What Yuri Gagarin Saw on First Space Flight

Why Yuri Gagarin Remains the First Man in Space, Even Though He Did Not Land Inside His Spacecraft

Gemini 4 Astronauts Meet Yuri Gagarin

Fallen Astronaut

Robert E. Stevenson- Oral History Interview

STS-1 NASA Mission Page

STS-1 Press Kit (PDF)

STS-1 NASA Mission Page 2