In the Pale Moonlight
Episode 336 · April 15th, 2018 · 8 mins 14 secs
About this Episode
I hope all of you have a wonderful Sunday. I see that many of my listeners in the U.S. have had a fair amount of snow the past few days, I hope that all of you are warm and safe. Don't mind me while I enjoy an iced coffee out on a patio here in Colorado ;)
Let me know if you have any questions, email me at Send questions, ideas, or comments and I will be sure to respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Thank you for making me part of your daily routine, I appreciate your time and your ears!
Do me a favor and leave a review for the podcast if you enjoy listening each day. Screenshot your review and send it to @johnmulnix or and I will send you a Space Shot sticker and a thank you!
You can send me questions and connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, by clicking one of the links below.
I've also got a call in number that I'm going to be testing here soon, so keep an eye out for that!
Episode Links:
"In the Pale Moonlight" Amazon Video
I don't have Netflix right now so I can't link directly to this episode. It's season 6, episode 19.
[Rules of Acquisition
- Memory Alpha](