The Space Shot
A concentrated dose of space awesomeness, delivered right to your podcast feed.
We found 10 episodes of The Space Shot with the tag “cold war”.
Episode 398: The Week in Space History- October 21st-27th
Episode | October 25th, 2019 | Season 3 | 17 mins 17 secs
apollo, apollo 7, approach and landing tests, astronauts, cold war, cold war history, deep space 1, enterprise, history, ion engine, jfk, jfk nixon debate, john c stennis space center, lageos, lageos ii, missile gap, mississippi test facility, nasa history, nedelin catastrophe, nixon, pamela melroy, peggy whitson, shuttle approach and landing tests, shuttle enterprise, space history, space shuttle, space shuttle enterprise, sts 120, sts 52, sts-120, sts-52, uss enterprise
The week in space history for October 21st to the 27th. Apologies for the delay in getting this out. I had some computer difficulties, the joys of an aging laptop, which put me behind.
Episode 395: From Apollo to Artemis and Beyond
Episode | August 4th, 2019 | Season 3 | 49 mins 1 sec
apollo, apollo 11, apollo 11 50th, apollo 13, apollo 50, apollo 50th, artemis, cold war, gemini, history, luna, mercury, moon, moon landing, nasa, nasa apollo, nasa artemis, nasa history, space, space history, space race
From Apollo to Artemis and Beyond. In this episode, you'll hear my presentation I gave a few weeks ago. I covered space history, from before the Apollo program, up to present-day initiatives.
Episode 307: Irwin, Mattingly, and Vanguard 1
Episode | March 17th, 2018 | Season 1 | 5 mins 49 secs
apollo 13, apollo 15, apollo 16, birthdays, cold war, geodesy, irwin, ken mattingly, mattingly, satellite, space podcast, space podcasts, vanguard, vanguard 1
We've got some birthdays to celebrate today! Plus, an early mission that sent a satellite into space, that's still in orbit, sixty years later. Don't forget, you can reach me through email, Send questions, ideas, or comments to this email and I will respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Episode 222: Blackbirds and a Lifting Body
Episode | December 22nd, 2017 | Season 1 | 6 mins 33 secs
aerospace, aerospace history, blackbird, cold war, hl10, lifting body, mach, nasa, planetary science, science, solar system, sr71, sr71 blackbird, titan
I can't believe we are just days from Christmas, this month has been nuts!
Episode 175: Strategic Air Command
Episode | November 5th, 2017 | Season 1 | 3 mins 58 secs
aerospace, aerospace history, airplanes, cold war, sac, space, strategic air command
I visited the Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum today during my road trip on the first day of my vacation. Follow along on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more.
Episode 160: The Missile Gap
Episode | October 21st, 2017 | Season 1 | 7 mins 42 secs
cia, cold war, corona, debate, icbm, jfk, missile gap, missile gap debate, nixon, ussr
That was one crazy Saturday. I've done a lot of reading about the "missile gap" over the past few days and didn't have time to record today's episode until this evening. Have a great weekend!
Episode 91: WorldView 3, Echo 1, MRO, and Galileo
Episode | August 13th, 2017 | Season 1 | 6 mins 17 secs
cold war, communications satellites, digital globe, echo, echo 1, eisenhower, europa, europa life, hubble space telescope, mars, mars geography, mars orbiter, mars reconnaissance orbiter, mro, nasa, space, space shot, the space shot, water europa, world view 3, worldview 3
Lots to cover today, so download this episode and get listening. Connect with me on Instagram, Twitter, or Facebook. Search @johnmulnix or The Space Shot.
Episode 87: Launches & Books- Two of My Favorite Things
Episode | August 9th, 2017 | Season 1 | 4 mins 49 secs
after apollo, apollo history, asif siddiqi, books, challenge to apollo, chang e 3 lander, china moon, chinese moon lander, cold war, communication satellites, directv, iridium, iridium phone, john logsdon, luna mission, mars, mars 7 lander, mars 7 mission, oso, proton rocket, reading, rocket launch, rocket launches, solar physics, soyuz launch, space, space books, space history, space race, space shot, the space shot, tv satellites
Rocket launches and books, two of my favorite things! Subscribe and never miss an episode and be sure to connect with me on Twitter and Instagram, @johnmulnix :) Thanks for listening!
Episode 83: Mars Missions, Nukes, and Jupiter
Episode | August 5th, 2017 | Season 1 | 10 mins 45 secs
armstrong, cold war, curiosity rover, jfk, johnson space center, jovian system, jsc, juno, jupiter, mars, mars rover, mars spacecraft, mars weather, martian, moon, moon landing, neil armstrong, nuclear weapons, phoenix lander, rovers, space, space shot, the space shot
It's a longer episode tonight and it's out later than I had hoped, but I couldn't pass up getting out with my coworkers for a delicious steak dinner. Subscribe today and never miss an episode.
Episode 68: Wheels Stop
Episode | July 21st, 2017 | Season 1 | 6 mins 39 secs
atlantis, atlas rocket, cold war, commercial crew, grissom, gus grissom, international space station, iss, liberty bell, liberty bell 7, mercury 7, mercury atlas, mercury redstone, mercury seven, project mercury, shuttle, shuttle atlantis, space, space race, space shot, space shuttle, sts 135, the space shot
The end of the Space Shuttle era and Liberty Bell 7. Subscribe to the podcast and if you've enjoyed the show, leave a rating or review. It helps more people find the show!