The Space Shot
A concentrated dose of space awesomeness, delivered right to your podcast feed.
We found 5 episodes of The Space Shot with the tag “iridium”.
Episode 319: Assignment: Earth
Episode | March 29th, 2018 | Season 1 | 8 mins 14 secs
drew feustel, eva, expedition 55, falcon 9, iridium, iridium next, iss, pop culture, ricky arnold, scifi, space podcast, space podcasts, space walk, spacex, star trek, star trek the original series, tos
We've got some fun Star Trek history plus news! Let me know if you have any questions, email me at Send questions, ideas, or comments and I will be sure to respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Episode 317: Mariner 7 and the JWST Slips to 2020
Episode | March 27th, 2018 | Season 1 | 6 mins 23 secs
enterprise, iridium, james webb space telescope, jwst, mariner, mariner 7, space podcast, space podcasts, spacex, star trek, star trek enterprise
Enjoy some history, news, and pop culture in today's episode. Don't forget; you can reach me through email, Send questions, ideas, or comments to this email, and I will respond to you!
Episode 254: A Spacewalk, Zuma, OSCAR, ITOS, and Why Did I Watch a Nearly Three Hour Long Movie Last Night?
Episode | January 23rd, 2018 | Season 1 | 7 mins 50 secs
amateur satellite, blade runner, eva, falcon 9, falcon heavy, iridium, itos, itos 1, movie review, movies, oscar, oscar 5, pop culture, scifi, spacewalk, spacex, static fire, weather satellite, zuma
Today's episode is a bit of a smorgasbord and I think there's something for everyone :) Enjoy!
Episode 243: Atlantis, Columbia, Korolev and Deep Impact
Episode | January 12th, 2018 | Season 1 | 7 mins 43 secs
atlantis, columbia, comets, deep impact, iridium, korolev, nasa, planetary science, shuttle, space, space history, space shuttle, spacex, zuma
Episode 87: Launches & Books- Two of My Favorite Things
Episode | August 9th, 2017 | Season 1 | 4 mins 49 secs
after apollo, apollo history, asif siddiqi, books, challenge to apollo, chang e 3 lander, china moon, chinese moon lander, cold war, communication satellites, directv, iridium, iridium phone, john logsdon, luna mission, mars, mars 7 lander, mars 7 mission, oso, proton rocket, reading, rocket launch, rocket launches, solar physics, soyuz launch, space, space books, space history, space race, space shot, the space shot, tv satellites
Rocket launches and books, two of my favorite things! Subscribe and never miss an episode and be sure to connect with me on Twitter and Instagram, @johnmulnix :) Thanks for listening!