The Space Shot
A concentrated dose of space awesomeness, delivered right to your podcast feed.
We found 3 episodes of The Space Shot with the tag “shuttle landing”.
Episode 335: Dry Lakes and Columbia
Episode | April 14th, 2018 | Season 1 | 4 mins 42 secs
columbia, dry lake, dry lakes, edwards afb, rogers dry lake, shuttle landing, shuttle program, space podcast, space shuttle
Happy Saturday! Apologies for the delay getting yesterday's episode out. I'm not sure what was wrong, but everything worked alright today, so maybe it was just a weird Friday the 13th thing.
Episode 320: Reused Rockets and White Sands
Episode | March 30th, 2018 | Season 1 | 6 mins 33 secs
block 5, block 5 falcon 9, columbia, falcon 9, falcon 9 news, gordon fullerton, jack lousma, johnson space center, jsc, nasa history, oral history, oral history project, reusability, rocket launch, shuttle landing, space podcast, space podcasts, space shuttle, space shuttle columbia, spacex, spacex news, sts 3, white sands, white sands space harbor
Happy Friday everyone! Let me know if you have any questions, email me at Send questions, ideas, or comments and I will be sure to respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Episode 125: Untitled Episode
Episode | September 16th, 2017 | Season 1 | 3 mins 30 secs
global flyer, history podcast, mir, nasa, otd, rocket, rocket launch, rocket podcast, rockets, shannon lucid, shuttle landing, shuttle mir, solo flight, space, space history, space history podcast, space podcast, space shot, space shuttle, the space shot, virgin atlantic
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