The Space Shot
A concentrated dose of space awesomeness, delivered right to your podcast feed.
We found 6 episodes of The Space Shot with the tag “weather satellites”.
Episode 419: This Week in Space History March 30th to April 5th
Episode | April 2nd, 2020 | Season 3 | 21 mins 6 secs
2001 a space odyssey, apollo 6, first contact day, nasa history, space shuttle history, spacex, spacex history, sts 3, sts 6, sts 83, sts-3, sts-6, sts-83, tiros 1, vss unity, weather satellites, white sands space harbor, worm, worm logo
Space Shuttles, Weather Satellites, Apollo 6, First Contact Day, and more!
Episode 322: An ISS Easter Egg Hunt
Episode | April 1st, 2018 | Season 1 | 6 mins 6 secs
education, goes, goes satellites, nasa, nasa education, space podcast, space podcasts, stem ed, stem education, tiros, tiros 1, weather satellite imagery, weather satellites
Happy Christmas everyone! April Fools', happy Easter :) Let me know if you have any questions, email me at Send questions, ideas, or comments and I will be sure to respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Episode 155: GOES-1
Episode | October 16th, 2017 | Season 1 | 5 mins 14 secs
goes 1, goes satellite, iss, weather satellite, weather satellites
Weather satellites!
Episode 112: Utopia Planitia
Episode | September 3rd, 2017 | Season 1 | 5 mins 32 secs
history, history podcast, mars, mars history, mars lander, pop culture podcast, scifi podcast, space, space history, space history podcast, space podcast, space science podcast, space shot, space shot podcast, star trek, star trek podcast, star trek voyager, star trek voyager podcast, the space shot, the space shot podcast, utopia planitia, utopia planitia fleet yards, viking 2, viking 2 lander, voyager, weather satellites
Be sure to connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Check out the links below and hit me up with any questions or feedback!
Episode 106: Nimbus 1 & Space Email
Episode | August 28th, 2017 | Season 1 | 5 mins 3 secs
apple, computers, email, history, history podcast, nasa, nasa history, nasa shuttle, nimbus, nimbus 1, nimbus satellite, satellites, shuttle, space, space history, space history podcast, space podcast, space shot, space shuttle, space shuttle podcast, space transportation system, stem, stem podcast, sts, the space shot, weather satellite, weather satellites
Be sure to connect with me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. Check out the links below and hit me up with any questions or feedback!
Episode 3: Weather Satellites and the "Go Fast" Rocket
Episode | May 17th, 2017 | Season 1 | 5 mins 49 secs
amateur rockets, go fast, goes-16, rockets, sms-1, space, space weather, weather satellites
Early weather satellites and an amateur rocket that really did "Go Fast" on the third episode of The Space Shot.