The Space Shot
A concentrated dose of space awesomeness, delivered right to your podcast feed.
We found 6 episodes of The Space Shot with the tag “aerospace”.
Episode 372: Heidi Hostetter & Alicia Svaldi- Faustson Tool (Also, About My New Job)
Episode | July 1st, 2018 | Season 2 | 46 mins 6 secs
aerospace, centennial series, colorado, interview
Happy July :)
I have some massive career news! If you follow me on social media, you've probably heard about my new job, if not, here's some big news. I now work for Faustson Tool, an aerospace and manufacturing company here in Colorado.
Episode 311: Red Canyon- My Conversation With Barry Hamilton Part 2 (the Centennial Series Episode 1)
Episode | March 21st, 2018 | Season 1 | 22 mins 51 secs
aerospace, barry hamilton, centennial series, centennial state, colorado aerospace, colorado aerospace companies, conversation, interview, red canyon, space podcast, space podcasts
I really enjoyed talking with Barry Hamilton, CEO of Red Canyon Engineering and Software today. Today's episode is part 2 of our conversation, I hope you've enjoyed this two-part series.
Don't forget; you can reach me through email, Send questions, ideas, or comments to this email, and I will respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Episode 310: Red Canyon- My Conversation With Barry Hamilton (the Centennial Series Episode 1)
Episode | March 20th, 2018 | Season 1 | 22 mins 31 secs
aerospace, barry hamilton, centennial series, centennial state, colorado aerospace, colorado aerospace companies, conversation, interview, red canyon, space podcast, space podcasts
I really enjoyed talking with Barry Hamilton, CEO of Red Canyon Engineering and Software today. Today's episode is part 1 of our conversation, so be sure to subscribe so you don't miss tomorrow's episode. Don't forget; you can reach me through email, Send questions, ideas, or comments to this email, and I will respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)
Episode 222: Blackbirds and a Lifting Body
Episode | December 22nd, 2017 | Season 1 | 6 mins 33 secs
aerospace, aerospace history, blackbird, cold war, hl10, lifting body, mach, nasa, planetary science, science, solar system, sr71, sr71 blackbird, titan
I can't believe we are just days from Christmas, this month has been nuts!
Episode 175: Strategic Air Command
Episode | November 5th, 2017 | Season 1 | 3 mins 58 secs
aerospace, aerospace history, airplanes, cold war, sac, space, strategic air command
I visited the Strategic Air Command & Aerospace Museum today during my road trip on the first day of my vacation. Follow along on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for more.
Episode 71: Amelia Earhart, Winglets, and Apollo 11 Splashdown
Episode | July 24th, 2017 | Season 1 | 4 mins 38 secs
aeronautics, aerospace, amelia earhart, apollo 11, commercial flight, dryden, dryden flight research center, earhart, flight, flying, fred noonan, lockheed, lockheed vega, nasa, ninety nines, solo flight, space, space shot, the space shot, vega, winglets
I'm going to be getting back on an early morning release schedule here, so subscribe and get a fresh episode each day. If you have questions, reach out on Twitter and Instagram, @johnmulnix.