Heidi Hostetter & Alicia Svaldi- Faustson Tool (Also, About My New Job)

Episode 372 · July 1st, 2018 · 46 mins 6 secs

About this Episode

Happy July :)

I have some massive career news! If you follow me on social media, you've probably heard about my new job, if not, here's some big news. I now work for Faustson Tool, an aerospace and manufacturing company here in Colorado.

Welcome to season 2! The podcast is shifting to a weekly format with longer in-depth episodes covering historical topics, book reviews, interviews, and more. Make sure to stay subscribed because the content for this season is going to be phenomenal. I have incredible guests lined up, and I'm looking forward to sharing their stories and expertise with all of you!

A huge shout out to all the new fans of The Space Shot on Facebook! Welcome to the podcast, I'm glad you could join us!

Let me know if you have any questions, email me at john@thespaceshot.com. Send questions, ideas, or comments, and I will be sure to respond to you! Thanks for reaching out :)

Thank you for making me part of your daily routine, I appreciate your time and your ears!

You can send me questions and connect with me on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter, by clicking one of the links below.




I've also got a call in number that I'm going to be testing here soon, so keep an eye out for that!

Episode Links:

Faustson Tool

SpaceX CRS-15 Space.com Article

James Webb launch slips another year to 2021 after Independent Review Board report- NASASpaceflight.com Article

Reddit CRS-15 Booster Information

SpaceX Cores- Reddit